Metro North Regional Employment Board
Building Partnerships for a Better Workforce




 Metro North Regional Employment Board


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Based in Cambridge, the Metro North REB serves 20 cities and towns in Massachusetts.

Building Partnerships for a Better Workforce

The Metro North Regional Employment Board (REB) is a public-private partnership whose mission is to enable area residents to gain the skills to maximize their economic self-sufficiency and provide employers with the workforce they need to effectively compete in the changing world economy.  As one of 16 local Workforce Investment Boards established in Massachusetts by the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, the REB was formed to:  set local workforce policy; determine how state and federal funds are best used for workforce development; align the needs of employers to the needs of area residents; convene industry partnerships to align educational curricula with business needs and develop career pathways; and oversee the Metro North One-Stop Career Centers, where both job search and employer services are provided. We lead the Metro North STEM Network and the Metro North Healthcare Partnership, and co-lead the Northeast Advanced Manufacturing Consortium. The REB serves the following 20 Massachusetts cities and towns: Arlington, Belmont, Burlington, Cambridge, Chelsea, Everett, Malden, Medford, Melrose, North Reading, Reading, Revere, Somerville, Stoneham, Wakefield, Watertown, Wilmington, Winchester, Winthrop, and Woburn. 



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٭ ٭ ٭ What's New?٭ ٭ ٭

REB Seeks New Office Space

Join Our Team! NAMC Seeks Manufacturing Marketing Manager

A Win-Win: The 2014 Metro North Summer YouthWorks Program

REB Participates in 11th Annual STEM Summit as Lead of Metro North STEM Network

RFP Issued for Hospitality Sector Pipeline Training Grant

RFP Issued for IT Workforce Program Design Grant

Upcoming Event for Employers! "Building the Talent Pipeline," Oct. 31

RFP Issued for Industry Training Capital Equipment Program

New REB Member Spotlight Featuring Charlene Bauer

REB Welcomes New Board Member James L. Donovan, Jr.

First Student Cohort in Advanced Manufacturing Training Program Receives Certificates from Middlesex Community College

MA Life Sciences Center Announces 4th Round of STEM Equipment and Supplies Grant Program

Ana's Story: A CONNECT Client Perspective

Metro North REB to Receive Major National Emergency Grant

Just Released! The Gateway Cities Vision for Dynamic Community-Wide Learning Systems

REB Hosts 2014 Bridging the Workforce Gap STEM Event

Workforce Training Fund Regional Training Capacity RFP

MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Issues Adult Career Pathways RFP

REB Awarded Health Care Workforce Transformation Fund Planning Grant

Bridging the Opportunity Gap RFP

New Resources Relating to the Metro North Regional STEM Network, Including STEM Pipeline Fund History and Labor Market Information on STEM in Metro North!

In Malden, Patrick Administration Announces $8M in State Funding for YouthWorks Program

Metro North REB and Career Center Staff Meet with Legislators on Career Center Day

MA Legislators and Staff visit Metro North One-Stop Career Centers

Commonwealth Corporation Announces Healthcare Workforce Transformation Fund: Training Grant RFP

"How About a Career in....Advanced Manufacturing?"  New Materials for Youth Available for Download!

Metro North REB Designated Lead of 8th Regional STEM Network

Career Source to Host Upcoming Panel on Careers in IT, Finance, and Healthcare

Northeastern MA Workforce Leaders Meet with Congressman Tierney and Senator Warren to Discuss Issues Relating to Long-Term Unemployment Insurance

Triangle-led Initiative Awarded $250k to Support Expanding Employment Options for People with Disabilities

Metro North awarded second $10k AMP it Up! grant to continue to promote advanced manufacturing to youth

REB, in partnership with three other MA WIBs, receives $500k grant to support Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Training

REB is among five @Scale STEM

Grant award recipients

Cambridge Science Festival seeks proposals for spring event!

Welcome new REB members: Karen Sampson Johnson, Andrea Donahue, and Robert Jones

Workforce partnership awarded $500k to support advanced manufacturing in Northeastern MA

Now online: September 2013 REB meeting information, including Strategic Plan Benchmarking Chart and meeting notes

Metro North Career Center receives Veterans State Grant Incentive Award

REB launches new REB Member Spotlight feature! First up: Reed Brockman

Singapore workforce development professionals visit Career Source

Summer employment program puts local youth to work

Now Available: Massachusetts Healthcare Chartbook 2013

Metro North "Bridging the Workforce Gap" STEM event a great success

Welcome New REB Members!

Patrick Administration announces $4.5M in grants to improve skills for job seekers and employed workers

Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation donates $10K to Metro North REB

Metro North REB Annual Plan, FY 2014, Executive Summary now available for comment

DESE RFP for Integrating College and Career Readiness Demonstration Initiative

REB chair honored as "Woman to Watch"

School-to-Career Connecting Activities Construction Career Day attracts over 1,200 local students

Metro North One-Stop Career Centers Legislative Report

Metro North REB FY 2013 - 2016 Draft Strategic Plan

Chelsea Collaborative presents REB with Community Partner Award

REB awarded grant to promote advanced manufacturing to GED students

For Immediate Release: New manufacturing collaborative established in Northeastern Massachusetts

U.S. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis visits CONNECT, congratulates Metro North REB

Paul Richard of Warner Babcock Institute for Green Chemistry appointed to Vice-Chair of REB

Skills Gap Summit marks release of major new labor market report

Staying Power II: A Report Card on Manufacturing in Massachusetts 2012

REB welcomes delegation from Quinghai Province, China to learn about STEM strategies

US Labor Department awards $3M to the Metro North REB to support CONNECT in Chelsea

Boston Globe Article: Chelsea nonprofit coaches clients to independence

Governor Patrick Appoints REB Chair Joanna Dowling to MWIB

Boston Globe Article: Summertime blues for teen job seekers

Local biomedical careers program celebrates twenty successful years

Massachusetts Workforce Board Association helps small businesses to get online

REB Vice-Chair awarded prestigious Medalla de Oro

Metro Boston workforce investment areas receive $5M to build life sciences workforce

Youth Council and Malden Youth Advocates Join Forces

Lahey Clinic among those honored for work-based English language program

MA Community Colleges Awarded $20 Million US Department of Labor Grant

Massachusetts State Science & Engineering Fair seeks judges, mentors, advocates, students

Just Announced! Safety Training & Education grant program

REB STEM Forum fuels discussion on STEM programming for local students

New chart outlines healthcare career paths in the Metro North region

 125 CambridgePark Drive