The Metro North STEM Network
Please note: All of the REB's online STEM resources can be accessed via the drop-down menu under "STEM" on the left hand navigation bar.
Established in 2013, the Metro North STEM Network is a strategic alliance between education, business, workforce development, and the community to promote a skilled and sustainable STEM Workforce in the region. It is one of nine STEM Networks across the state that have been charged with promoting STEM careers, and coordinating the regional STEM activities in congruence with the MA STEM Plan 2.0, an initiative of the Governor’s STEM Avisory Council.
The goals of the Plan are to: increase student interest in STEM; increase student achievement among all PreK–12 students; increase the percentage of skilled educators who teach PreK–16 STEM; increase the percentage of students completing postsecondary degrees or certificates in STEM subjects; and align STEM degrees and certificate attainment with corresponding opportunities in STEM-related fields to match
the state’s workforce needs for a STEM talent pipeline. 
In keeping with these goals, the Metro North STEM Network has identified the five areas of focus that will best meet the needs of the communities it serves:
Developing and disseminating information on STEM career pathways, as well as regional labor market information;
Promoting applied and work-based learning opportunities;
Promoting mathematics and its relevance to computer science, life sciences, engineering, and the “real world”;
Aligning curricula to the needs of both students and businesses; and
Addressing systemic barriers for youth and educators.
The Metro North STEM Network welcomes new members! Meetings are held approximately four times per year. If you are interested in learning more about participating, please contact Meelynn Wong, , or .
STEM Forums
Annually since 2011, the REB has hosted STEM-related forums designed to galvanize business-to-school partnerships, and inspire local youth to pursue STEM-related education and career paths.
STEM Online Resource
The REB has developed an online resource containing information on some of the most effective and well-established STEM-related programs in the region. Through this effort, the REB supports the creation of business-school partnerships, and provides selected resources and practical information to support those partnerships.
Other STEM efforts include:
- Cultivating a strong representation from STEM industries on the REB's Board and Youth Council;
- Collaborating on the development of training curricula, articulation of career ladders, and design of staff development curricula for STEM education; and
- Working to increase the number of STEM-related summer job and internship opportunities for youth throughout the region.
