Metro North Regional Employment Board
Building Partnerships for a Better Workforce

WIA Youth Programs


The REB supports thirteen youth development programs with funds from the Workforce Investment Act (WIA).  Programs for both in-school and out-of school youth provide a combination of education services, exposure to employment, and additional supportive services.  The goal of this comprehensive approach is to provide each youth participant with a recognized credential, personal stability, and an understanding of the requirements of the modern workplace.

The REB currently supports the following WIA programs for in-school youth:

  • Cambridge Housing Authority Work Force program

  • Just-A-Start Career Connection

  • Malden YWCA Work Smart

  • Mystic Learning Center Empowering Competent Youth

  • Bay Cove Academy Career Readiness

  • Woburn Housing Authority Jump Start


The REB currently supports the following WIA programs for out-of-school youth:

  • Just-A-Start Youth Build

  • LARE GED Prep with Vocational Exploration (Chelsea)
  • LARE GED Prep with Vocational Exploration (Malden)

  • LARE Education with CNA/HHA Training

  • Wakefield Public Schools GED Alternate Program

  • Mystic Learning Center Launch Project



 125 CambridgePark Drive