The REB supports thirteen youth development programs with funds from the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). Programs for both in-school and out-of school youth provide a combination of education services, exposure to employment, and additional supportive services. The goal of this comprehensive approach is to provide each youth participant with a recognized credential, personal stability, and an understanding of the requirements of the modern workplace.
The REB currently supports the following WIA programs for in-school youth:
Cambridge Housing Authority Work Force program
Just-A-Start Career Connection
Malden YWCA Work Smart
Mystic Learning Center Empowering Competent Youth
Bay Cove Academy Career Readiness
Woburn Housing Authority Jump Start
The REB currently supports the following WIA programs for out-of-school youth:
Just-A-Start Youth Build
- LARE GED Prep with Vocational Exploration (Chelsea)
LARE GED Prep with Vocational Exploration (Malden)
LARE Education with CNA/HHA Training
Wakefield Public Schools GED Alternate Program
Mystic Learning Center Launch Project