Metro North Regional Employment Board
Building Partnerships for a Better Workforce

Selected STEM Resources


The following collection of online resources includes a wide range of classroom projects, curriculum plans and hands-on activities that can be used to develop or support local STEM-related programming. Please click on a subject area below for further information and links.

Look for the symbol to find recent additions to this page!


Resources by Specialty


Aviation and Aerospace Engineering

The Federal Aviation Administration offers resources for educating students about aviation science, including activities, contests and career-related information.

NASA offers a database of teaching resources that is searchable by academic subject and grade level.


The Skilled Careers in Life Science Initaitive (SCILS) is a 4 year $5 million project led by the Boston Office of Jobs and Community Services (JCS) on behalf of the Metro Boston region. Funded in April 2012 by an H1B Technical Skills Training grant from the Employment and Training Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor, the SCILS Initiative will improve career opportunities for residents of the Greater Boston area and provide a more highly trained life science workforce for our healthcare and biotechnology sectors. The Initiative will target occupations such as Biological Technicians and Medical Lab Technicians and support occupational training, contextualized learning, customized training, program development and the recruitment, case management and placement of eligible participants. Visit the SCILS website to find out more about the initiative and training opportunities to begin a career as a Biological Technician or Medical Lab Technician!

The Massachusetts Biotechnology Council hosts a Web site that is focused on expanding biotechnology education across the Commonwealth. A number of resources available on this Web page could be used in the classroom.

Civil Engineering

The Boston Society of Civil Engineers has a long track record of providing student outreach.  Examples of their programs include statewide contests and engineer-led workshops to engage students in engineering design. Their web page relating to STEM programming includes a PowerPoint presentation on civil engineering.

Diversity-Related Resources

Women in Engineering

Engineer Girl is a Web site with many resources for young women to explore the fields of engineering. The Links page contains interactive activities as well as connections to science and mathematics resources.

Minority Representation in STEM

The National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (NACME, Backs Me) is a resource designed for parents, students, educators and mentors. The goal of the organization is to support the growth of minority representation and involvement in the fields of engineering. Their Web site offers valuable information on mentoring, scholarships and outreach programs.

The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers has a resource focused on advancing Hispanic excellence in technology, engineering, mathematics and science. AHETEMS offers resources for high school through advanced degree study in STEM-related areas. Information about scholarship, internship and job opportunities is routinely posted on their Web site.

The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) offers a Web-based resource called Aspire, which offers resources to inspire young women to consider further study and employment in the STEM fields. SWE’s online resources are supported by the Exxon Mobil Corporation and include material for girls, parents, teachers and engineers wishing to support the initiative. One of their more unique activities is National Lab Day.

Students with Disabilities in STEM

Although there are limited resources for students with disabilities interested in pursuing careers or higher education in STEM-related areas, the Eastern Alliance for Students with Disabilities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics provides instructional resources, scholarships and student opportunities. The center is hosted by the University of Southern Maine. More information about the initiative can be obtained by contacting Lynn Lovewell, Director and Project Manager of EAST-2 at ,

Underrepresented Youth in STEM

The Diversity and Outreach in Mathematics and Engineering (DOME) Foundation is focused on bringing STEM resources and opportunities to underrepresented youth. DOME hosts an annual symposium relating to STEM education and outreach.


ASEE Center for the Advancement of Scholarship on Engineering Education Engineering Equity Extension Service

This compilation of resources from a National Academy of Engineering program contains links to engineering education and cultural diversity in engineering resources, curricula, gender issues in engineering including the Gender Chip Project, and more.

Building Big, a resource supported by WGBH, provides hands-on lab ideas, interactive Web projects and information about engineering careers.

IEEE offers engaging and innovative lesson plans for class activities. “Engineered Music” and “EEEEK a mouse” are just a few of the fun and field tested activities:

Teach Engineering is a digital library of standards-based materials designed for delivery in mathematics, science or engineering/technology classrooms. Developed in collaboration with universities, Teach Engineering’s lesson plans and activities are linked directly to standards or learning objectives.

TryEngineering offers information on engineering for parents, students and educators, and includes lesson plans and ‘try at home’ activities that can easily be adapted for an engineer- or scientist-led activity. Their Web site is searchable by topic and age.


Mathematics and Science

Math is Fun offers games, puzzles and an innovative mathematic formula and concept dictionary designed for students in the k-6 grade levels. One of the topics they address is money -- bridging the gap between the theoretical study of numbers and the application of numbers to problem solving and daily living.

The Math Forum run by Drexel University provides a wide range of information -- such as classroom materials, software, internet projects, and event announcements -- organized by subject area (algebra, geometry, calculus, etc).

Massachusetts Mathematics Association of Teacher Educators maintains a Web page for and by mathematics teachers offering curriculum materials, networking activities and a newsletter.

The National Science Teachers Association provides a wide range of teaching materials as well as science networking services. Information is organized by grade level.

The Massachusetts Science Teachers web page offers teachers and others information on curriculum planning, professional development opportunities and networking opportunities.

Massachusetts Math + Science Initiative (MMSI) is a statewide initiative to raise student achievement in STEM-related coursework through expanding and improving AP courses. Workshops are offered throughout the year in many of the AP subject areas. Teachers can access curriculum and resources through the 'Great School Network' component of the program.

Renewable Energy

Re-energy is dedicated to bringing labs and career information for renewable energy science into the classroom. Their site contains presentations and energy-related resources as well as ideas and material lists for hands-on projects.


iRobot, located in Bedford, MA, brings interactive robot demonstrations to K-12 schools as well as hosts tours of their corporate headquarters to give students hands-on experience with robots. iROBOT’s Starter Program for the Advancement of Robotic Knowledge (SPARK) offers educational resources and activities for advancing robotics, engineering, mathematics and science for both students and educators.

All STEM Areas


Coursera offers massive open online courses (MOOCs)*.  Coursera currently has available 390 courses from 83 partners. Courses are available in all the major STEM areas. Most of the introductory level courses do not have prerequisites, and students can progress to higher level courses after completing initial courses in Coursera. *For a listing of other MOOC initiatives, see MOOC List at is a free online resource that features videos of professionals, many of whom work in the STEM fields, providing an overviews of their occupations.


EdX is a non-profit created by founding partners Harvard University and MIT.  EdX offers MOOCs and interactive on-line classes in subjects including law, history, science, engineering, business, social sciences, computer science, public health, and artificial intelligence (AI). *For a listing of other MOOC initiatives, see MOOC List at

Khan Academy

This resource contains over 2,100 videos and 100 self-paced exercises and assessments covering mathematics, science, economics, computer science, humanities, and test prep (SAT Math, GMAT, CAHSEE, California Standards Test, Competition Math, and IIT JEE). The site also includes Coach Resources for K12 teachers, parents and mentors, as well as higher education and community education programs.

The Museum of Science has a wide range of resources for students as well as adults interested in expanding their knowledge of all STEM activities. It’s one of the few places you will find an exhibit dedicated solely to mathematics.

National Education Association: “The 10 Best STEM Resources for Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Resources for preK-12”

This brief article describes 11 sites for student access and use, as well as for teacher professional development.

STEMPower: The Massachusetts Hub for Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

The STEMPower website is part of the Massachusetts STEMPower Workforce Network’s effort to develop a skilled STEM workforce.  The STEMPower Network includes 16 Local Workforce Investment Boards and additional partners.  The industries targeted for workforce development include Healthcare, Advance Manufacturing, Information Technology, Biotechnology and Life Sciences, Clean Energy and Sustainability, and Financial Services. The site provides information to job seekers, mentors, and employers. Job seekers can search for MA STEM jobs via a database and by checking the “Featured Opportunity” section of the site where employers highlight their companies and available positions. The site also features a general discussion board, blogs, and STEM Group Directory.


The Sloan Career Cornerstone Center is resource for anyone interested in exploring career opportunities in STEM, and includes interviews with STEM professionals who offer insight into their own diverse careers.

STEP Central Resources Page

"STEP Central" aims to build and support a "community of practice" among those working to increase the number of college graduates in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in the United States.”  This wide-ranging collection of resources includes everything from education research and policy to recruitment and retention strategies for differing student populations.  Retention strategies include advising strategies, career counseling, math preparation, and many other pertinent topics. The site features an online tutorial called “Finding Resources and Tools” that describes all the features of STEP Central at

Thirteen Ed Online is an online resource hosted by the public broadcasting service in New York. It offers a variety of lesson plans and resources for students, teachers and parents.

Additional STEM Resources


Examples of Training Institutions and Certificate/Program Areas

This document provides examples of schools and training programs in the Metro North region and vicinity.  Examples are organized in the following categories:  Architecture, Engineering, and Manufacturing; Computer and Mathematical; Healthcare Practitioner and Technical; and Life, Physical, and Social Science.  [Click here to download]

Examples of STEM-related College Majors

This document provides examples of college majors in the following categories:  Agriculture and Natural Resources; Architecture; Biological and Biomedical Sciences; Computer and Information Sciences; Engineering and Engineering Technology/Technicians; Health Professionals and Clinical Sciences; Mathematics and Statistics; Physical Sciences, and Other STEM Majors.  [Click here to download]

Occupational Profiles for In-Demand* STEM Occupations in the Metro North Region

(*as of June, 2013)

The following document contains eight occupational profiles generated from the Help Wanted Online database, which provides real-time labor market information. The reports address the following occupations: Medical Lab Technician; Clinical Lab Assistant; Software Developer; Computer Support Specialist; Quality Control Analyst; Biomedical Technican; Mechanical computer Aided Designer; and Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Operator.


Boston Society of Civil Engineers

Boston STEM Network

Center for Environmental Health Sciences

Career One Stop

City of Boston

Mass Aerospace Council

MassCIS Career Information System

Massachusetts Department of Education

Massachusetts Department of Higher Education


STEM Education Coalition

Mayor's Youth Council

Minority Scientist Network

National Society of Black Engineers/NSBE

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers

Society of Women Engineers Boston

U.S. Department of Education


Metro North Regional STEM Network Meeting Resources and Presentations













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