Hospitality Sector Pipeline Training Grant RFP
Commonwealth Corporation has announced the release of the Hospitality Sector Pipeline Training Grant Request for Proposals, funded by the Advanced Manufacturing, Technology, and Hospitality Training Trust Fund. This grant is designed to train and place un/underemployed Massachusetts residents into jobs in the hospitality sector. Questions about the Request for Proposals will be accepted in writing until November 7, 2014. Answers will be posted on a regular basis. Please submit questions via email to Theresa Rowland, solicitation is offered by the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development, in consultation with the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development. The grant program is funded by the Advanced Manufacturing, Technology, and Hospitality Training Trust Fund and administered by Commonwealth Corporation. For more information, please contact Theresa Rowland, .
Download Proposal (Word): Request for Proposals
Download Budget Attachments (Excel): Parts 5 and 6
IT Workforce Program Design Grant RFP
Commonwealth Corporation is pleased has announced the release of the IT Workforce Program Design Grant Program Request for Proposals, funded by the Advanced Manufacturing, Technology, and Hospitality Training Trust Fund. The IT Workforce Program Design Grant Program is designed to provide applicants with funds to support the design of training programs to prepare and place Massachusetts residents in information technology occupations. Commonwealth Corporation seeks proposals from applicants who can work collaboratively through industry partnerships to: design training and employment programs to prepare and place unemployed and underemployed individuals in information technology occupations; and build regional training capacity across the Commonwealth for IT occupations. An optional Bidders' Webinar will be held on October 14, 2014 - please see the Request for Proposals for more information. Questions about the Request for Proposals will be accepted in writing until October 28, 2014. Answers will be posted on a regular basis. Please submit questions via email to Theresa Rowland, .
Download Proposal (Word): Request for Proposals
Download Budget Attachments (Excel): Parts 4a and 4b
Industry Training Capital Equipment Program
The Patrick Administration recently launched the Industry Training Capital Equipment grant program to expand its support of training programs at career technical high schools and community colleges. The program will fund large scale-grants between $250,000 and $1.25 million for the purchase of equipment to prepare students for careers in high-demand industries such as advanced manufacturing, information technology, and hospitality. More information about the program, including the and application, are available on the program’s website. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.
Massachusetts Workforce Training Fund
The Workforce Training Fund (WTF) is a state fund that provides resources to Massachusetts businesses to train current and newly hired employees through three grant programs:
The Hiring Incentive Training Grant (HITG) program provides cash grants to employers to hire Massachusetts residents who have been unemployed for 6 months or more, or Massachusetts residents who are military veterans (regardless of length unemployment). Eligible employers may apply for grants of $5,000 for each new hire who meets program requirements. Employers may receive up to $75,000 each calendar year. Once approved, payment will be available to the employer once the new hire has retained employment for at least 120 days. At a minimum, a "New Hire Trainee" must earn $2,500 (gross earnings) during the 120 day retention period. Applications are now being accepted for this program. Click here for more information about the WTF Hiring Incentive Grant Program, including new policy changes effective August 15, 2014.
The WTF General Program is open to companies of any size, and will provide up to $250,000 per company. Priority is given to applications focused on employee skills attainment and achievement of transferable and measurable skills. Applications may be submitted at any time but will be reviewed according to published deadlines. Grant decisions are made approximately 60 days after the application deadline. Click here for more information about the WTF General Program.
The WTF Express Program is targeted to small companies with 50 or fewer employees, as well as to labor organizations. Applicants must choose from a list of pre-qualified programs. Applications may be submitted online at any time. Grants are up to $3,000 per course per trainee, and cannot exceed $30,000 per company for a 2-year period. Applications are now being accepted for this program. Applications may be submitted at any time, and grant decisions are made within 5 business days from filing the application. Click here for more information about the WTF Express Program.
MA Life Sciences Center Announces 4th Round of STEM Equipment and Supplies Grant Program
The Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC) is has announced the launch of the fourth round of an open solicitation for capital grants to public schools for the purchase of lab equipment and supplies. This year, both high schools and middle schools are invited to apply for funding. The STEM Equipment and Supplies Grant Program enables the purchase of equipment and supplies to train students in life sciences technology and research as well as addresses a funding gap in capital dollars for public and not-for-profit workforce training and educational institutions. The program also seeks to increase student achievement and student interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), as well as support the implementation of state STEM standards.
Applicants must request funding to purchase equipment and/or supplies to support STEM education that prepares students with the skills needed for future employment in the life sciences. The "life sciences" are defined in the MLSC's enabling legislation as "advanced and applied sciences that expand the understanding of human physiology and have the potential to lead to medical advances or therapeutic applications." Requested equipment and/or supplies must be used to support science (e.g. biology, chemistry, physics), technology (e.g. robotics, computer science, etc.), engineering, and/or math education and training. Earth and Space Science, as well as Allied Health training will not qualify for funding.
Eligible high schools, as well as community-based organizations that serve such high schools, can apply for up to $100,000 in grant funding. Applicants seeking funding of greater than $100,000 (but no more than $250,000) are required to secure matching funds, in cash or as an in-kind donation, for any amount over $100,000 from an industry partner. Eligible middle schools, as well as community-based organizations that serve such middle schools, can apply for up to $50,000 in grant funding.
For more information and to learn about specific eligibility requirements, please visit: Applications are due on October 10, 2014 at Noon.
Massachusetts Life Sciences Center Grant Programs
The Massachusetts Life Sciences Center has launched several key programs that are designed to create jobs and support scientific research to improve the human condition. For information please visit: MLSC Programs.