Metro North REB
Join Our Team! NAMC Seeks Manufacturing Marketing Manager
Job Summary: Establish relationships with northeast Massachusetts advanced manufacturing companies to ascertain and document their ongoing workforce and economic development needs. Work with their staff, relevant training providers and others to develop mutual, executable commitments focused on incumbent manufacturing staff development and prospective employee recruitment, training, and hiring to ensure sustainable advanced manufacturing regional job growth. Using labor market information and other tools, develop timely, business-driven projects that strengthen and expand the Northeastern Massachusetts’ advanced manufacturing job base. The MMM will report to the NAMC Director, who in turn reports to the Executive Directors of the four WIB regions and is accountable to the business leadership of NAMC. Under their direction, the MMM will work to creatively and collaboratively support efforts to maintain and expand manufacturing in Northeastern Massachusetts.
Primary Responsibilities and Duties
Develop professional relationships with manufacturing companies in the region, primarily by on-site meetings with company leadership, listening to and ascertaining their employee development requirements and training needs. The MMM will work with WIB, Career Center and training staff to plan and develop effective responses that address advanced manufacturing needs. The MMM will advocate for manufacturers within the workforce, education/training and economic development systems.
Report directly to the NAMC Director, who in turn reports to WIB Executive Directors (EDs) and business leadership of the Northeast Advanced Manufacturing Consortium (NAMC), and work collaboratively with WIB staff on all matters associated with the successful operation of NAMC initiatives. Participate in consortium meetings and report on progress to partners; highlight observed trends; suggest responses to reported needs.
Help create mutual agreements between manufacturing employers, the WIBs, education and training providers and others to address business skill demands and expand the available labor force. Work with advanced manufacturers that provide living wages, career paths and employment ladders. Engage them in NAMC and market the value of the consortium in addressing a broad spectrum of industry needs.
Assist in researching and interpreting labor market and other relevant data that describes manufacturing industry developments and provides direction in the improvement of regional workforce development activities. Provide industry intelligence and guidance to NAMC, other interested partners, job seekers and the industry itself.
Assist in the development of the Northeast Advanced Manufacturing Consortium and its related partnerships and initiatives to create the dynamic for sustainable job creation. Convey manufacturing employers’ workforce needs to community colleges, vocational schools, and other partners so that appropriate education and training programs are provided.
Provide manufacturing workforce development training and technical assistance to One Stop Career Center business service and job seeker staff in order to strengthen the advanced manufacturing sector services. Similarly, provide occasional training and technical assistance to education and training providers in order to expose staff and job/training seekers to manufacturing career options.
Identify potential grant, foundation, and legislative funding opportunities that may support manufacturing sector job creation and other NAMC activities. Participate in the preparation of responsive funding proposals. Facilitate partnerships among employers, WIBs, and training providers for specific purposes, e.g., the development of WTF grants.
Create summary and prospect tracking documents outlining the results of company visits, e.g., contact information, company needs, commitments, ideas about the work to be accomplished, next steps. Collect information and track activities in order to facilitate assessments of progress and to determine outcomes of consortium efforts. With the NAMC Director, report back to WIB EDs on a predetermined basis. Help meet reporting requirements.
Interact as necessary with the finance departments of the appropriate WIB(s) to track any financials connected with business and employers services activities and assist in any budget modification or amendments and accompanying budget narrative changes.
If required, attend WIB Board and committee meetings, and prepare any reports required for distribution to members. Other duties as agreed to by the WIBs and NAMC.
Bachelor Degree or higher in related field
Ability to engage company leaders as working partners and influence company, college, and school leadership to align them with initiatives
Extensive knowledge of the manufacturing industry required; experience working in manufacturing and familiarity with current manufacturing technologies preferred
Ability to listen and understand manufacturers’ workforce and other related needs
Ability to develop and communicate manufacturing workforce solutions
Able to collaborate on the development and achievement of common objectives
Solid writing, speaking, and teamwork skills
Experience with MS Office and utilization of social media tools
Salary: $70,000 plus benefits. Note: Employment beyond December 2015 is contingent upon funding.
Equal Opportunity Employer.
To Apply: Please submit a resume with cover letter by email to: . Please, no phone calls.
REB Quarterly Meeting Information
Upcoming March, 2015 - June, 2015 Meeting Dates: [Please note: All meetings will be held from 8:00 to 9:30 AM]
- Wednesday, March 18, 2015
- Wednesday, June 17, 2015
December, 2014 Meeting:
Meeting Notes [Coming Soon!]
Career Center Recharter Presentation [Powerpoint]
September, 2014 Meeting:
Metro North REB WIOA Presentation [Powerpoint]
MMM Engagement Efforts Overview [Powerpoint]
June, 2014 Meeting:
March, 2014 Meeting:
Presentations: Metro North EBE Presentation [Powerpoint]
December, 2013 Meeting:
Presentations: Employment Demand in the Life Sciences by Lance Hartford, MassBioEd [Powerpoint]
Skilled Careers In Life Sciences (SCILS) by Susan Buckey, Boston PIC [Powerpoint]
September, 2013 Meeting:
Agenda [PDF]
Presentation: The Challenges Posted by Youth Unemployment: Potential Strategies and Solutions [Powerpoint]
June, 2013 Meeting:
- Healthcare Reform in Massachusetts, by Anna Gosline and Jessica Larochelle, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation [Download PowerPoint]
- Workforce Implications of the Affordable Care Act, by Randy Wilson, Jobs for the Future [Download PowerPoint]
Career Pathways Tools