Selected Organizations, Tools, and Resources

The Massachusetts Healthcare Chartbook, developed by the Commonwealth Foundation and funded by a grant from the Department of Higher Education, is a graphical resource designed to inform workforce development professionals, educators, employers, and jobseekers about the status and recent history of healthcare careers and the healthcare and social assistance sector in the Commonwealth.
Breaking the Language Barrier: A Report on English Language Services in Greater Boston
Commissioned by the Boston Foundation and researched and written by Commonwealth Corporation, this report focuses on the "ESOL system," comprising services funded by the Massachusetts Department for Elementary and Secondary Education (ESE) and other sources. The analysis assesses how far the system has come in resolving its challenges and suggests ways to make further progress. The report describes the demand and supply for English services as well as the quantity and quality of those services and makes recommendations for changes that would help the system meet the needs of Limited English Proficient (LEP) immigrants within the public sector budget constraints that will be in place for the near future.
CareerOneStop is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, and offers a wide range of career-related resources and services.
Civil Rights Center: Department of Labor
The Civil Rights Center (CRC) is responsible for ensuring nondiscrimination and equal opportunity for employees of, and applicants for employment with, DOL, and the 39 million + customers of the nation's One-Stop Career Centers. CRC also administers DOL's Affirmative Employment and Special Emphasis programs, as well as the Reasonable Accommodation Resource Center.
Commonwealth Corporation
The mission of the Commonwealth Corporation is to build upward mobility pathways for Massachusetts youth and adults to prepare for high demand careers, in concert with state and regional partners.
English Works
The English Works Campaign is a unique coalition of immigrant community leaders, labor unions, business and civic leaders, educators, and advocates across Massachusetts working toward a Commonwealth that provides all residents with a pathway to economic self-sufficiency; ensures a stable, skilled workforce for businesses; and integrates immigrants into the fabric of our economy, communities and shared civic life.
Labor Market Terms and Definitions
This resource is provided by the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development.
Massachusetts Business Roundtable
The Massachusetts Business Roundtable is a statewide public affairs organization of chief executive officers and area executives of the state’s leading companies representing a full range of Massachusetts industry and business enterprise.
Massachusetts Department of Workforce Development
The Massachusetts Department of Workforce Development offers a wide range of programs and resources for both employers and job seekers.
Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development
EOLWD provides a wide variety of programs and services to serve constituents across the Commonwealth. The cornerstone of EOLWD's services include a network of 37 One-Stop Career Centers and field offices across the Commonwealth.
Massachusetts Workforce Board Association
The Massachusetts Workforce Board Association is a business-led organization representing the 16 member regional workforce boards employers, representatives of labor, higher education, business and industry associations, economic development and workforce organizations, which provides leadership in workforce development in each region across the Commonwealth.
Massachusetts Workforce Professionals Association (MWPA)
The MWPA is a nonprofit, statewide membership association representing local workforce professionals in Massachusetts. Its membership is comprised of Workforce Investment Act (WIA) fiscal agents and the directors of Massachusetts' 37 One-Stop Career Centers. The MWPA advocates for its members within the national and state workforce communities, and strives to ensure a strong labor force within the state by providing opportunities for Bay State residents to continuously enhance their skills and employability. For further information please contact Elizabeth Keliher, MWPA Executive Director, via email: , or phone: .
MA Workforce Training Fund
The Workforce Training Fund is a state fund enacted into law in July 1998 and financed entirely by Massachusetts employers. Its purpose is to provide resources to Massachusetts businesses and workers to train current and newly hired employees
National Association of Workforce Boards
The National Association of Workforce Boards is the leading workforce association that represents the nation's nearly 600 business-led Workforce Investment Boards (WIBs) and also serves other associated organizations in the workforce industry with one common goal: Helping America Work.
National Association of Workforce Development Professionals
The mission of the National Association of Workforce Development Professionals is to be the national voice for the profession and meet the individual professional development needs of the membership.
Office of Disability Employment Policy: Department of Labor
The mission of the U.S. Department of Labor is to foster, promote, and develop the welfare of the wage earners, job seekers, and retirees of the United States; improve working conditions; advance opportunities for profitable employment; and assure work-related benefits and rights.
Metro Boston SCILS Initiative - Skilled Careers In Life Sciences
The SCILS Initiative is a 4 year $5 million project led by the Boston Office of Jobs and Community Services on behalf of the Metro Boston region. Funded in April 2012 by an H1B Technical Skills Training grant from the Employment and Training Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor, the SCILS Initiative will improve career opportunities for residents of the Greater Boston area and provide a more highly trained life science workforce for our healthcare and biotechnology sectors.
US Conference of Mayors Workforce Development Council
The Conference of Mayors Workforce Development Council provides a forum for Mayors and their employment and training administrators to examine all workforce development issues and to strengthen the ability of cities to meet the needs of their citizens -- particularly economically disadvantaged individuals, those with serious skill deficiencies, dislocated workers, and others with special barriers to employment, including youth.
US Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration
The mission of the Employment and Training Administration is to contribute to the more efficient functioning of the U.S. labor market by providing high quality job training, employment, labor market information, and income maintenance services primarily through state and local workforce development systems.