Metro North Regional Employment Board
Building Partnerships for a Better Workforce

Metro North Youth Employment Programs



The Metro North REB YouthWorks employment program provides meaningful employment to over youth each year in the cities of Chelsea, Cambridge Everett, Malden, Revere and Somerville, where significant numbers of at-risk youth reside. 

Positions are made possible with funds through the Commonwealth Corporation as part of the successful statewide Youthworks program. The youth participants are each provided with support and guidance to help ensure that the benefits of their experiences extended beyond their paychecks, through having the opportunities to develop essential jobs skills and explore educational and career paths. Employer feedback from these programs are overwhelmingly positive, as many employers enjoy having motivated workers who are eager to learn and develop skills that will prepare them for success long into the future.

[Pictured above: Two youth workers shelving books in the Chelsea Library as part of the 2013 Metro North YouthWorks Program. Photo courtesy of The Chelsea Collaborative.]





 125 CambridgePark Drive